By: Stan Popovich
Many people get anxious and fearful right before they get married. Sometimes fear and anxiety can get the best of those getting married which can cause all kinds of self-doubts and other stressful consequences.
As a result, here are six tips on how to deal with your anxieties and fears before you get married.

1. Talk with your partner: Communication with one another will prevent any misunderstandings and help reduce your fears and anxieties. When a problem does come up, discuss your feelings and opinions to the other person. Don’t assume that the other person knows how you feel.
2. Do what is best for you and your partner: The most important thing is to do what is best for your relationship. It is your life and you need to feel comfortable in your relationships. Do not be quick into making a life-long commitment if it is not something you want.
3. Do not argue with others: Some people may not like your decision about you getting married and will try to argue with you which can be stressful. The key is to do what is best for you and your partner. There is no harm in listening to what others may have to say, but remember that you should focus on your happiness instead of pleasing others.
4. Getting married is not a race: Marriage is something not to be rushed into. Marrying the wrong person can have a negative impact on your mental health, your happiness, and your pocketbook. You’re better off to take your time and go at a pace that makes you feel comfortable.
5. It is your life: Remember that getting married will affect the rest of your life. Do not let others determine how to manage your relationships. Your friends may have good intentions, but you need to do what works for you.
6. Seek the services of a marriage counselor: There is nothing wrong with seeking help and advice before you get married. Talking to a marriage or mental health counselor can help you make the right decisions for you and your partner. Many people who seek the services of a professional counselor can learn effective ways on reducing their fears and anxieties and is a great start to having a successful marriage.
Stan Popovich is the author of the popular managing fear book, “A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear”. For more information about Stan’s book and to get some free mental health advice, please visit Stan’s website at

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