Today’s real Virginia weddings tale comes to us from a couple who tied the knot in 2022, after knowing each other over 10 years.

“We meet at church over 10 years ago. Both of us were really involved in a lot of ministries, one common one was youth group where we really got close. Technically our first date was a good friend’s wedding. However, I loved one of our earliest dates at a nice restaurant called Zenadora. We both got dressed up, RJ borrowed a nice sports car from a friend, and we hit the town for food and gelato for dinner. We dated for 2 years before getting engaged!”

The Scoop:
Bride: Raven, Driver and assistant manager, Point 2 Point with FexEd
Groom: RJ, Manager/travel manager, Point 2 Point with FedEx Ground
Engagement date: May 21,2021
Wedding date: May 21, 2022

“Our proposal was all by the moment. RJ had the ring for a while before popping the question. One day he decided he was going to ask, and he requested all of our friends and family to come hang out with us at a place called Bottles in Waynesboro. I didn’t think that anything special was going to happen because we often did spontaneously ask our friends to come hang out. But once everyone got there, we were having fun playing some games and that night was trivia night. So we all went outside to watch, as the host asked the three contestants 10 questions, 9 from him and 1 from the audience. Well somehow, they got me on the stage and played trivia. When the 9 questions were asked, the host turned to the audience and asked for a volunteer with a question. Everyone pushed for RJ to ask the special question that changed our life.”

During the shoot, Raven notes, “Any time Rachel needed me to laugh, she told RJ to whisper something in my ear to make me smile or laugh. My goofball of a husband picked the most random things such as chimichangas, or pineapple. I definitely wasn’t expecting that!”

Raven leaves fellow brides with these thoughts: “It’s not going to go perfectly. Pick the top two things that mean a lot to you and your husband and let the rest be. Remember the main goal is to have a great time with your friends and family celebrating you and your soon-to-be (or now) husband.”

Photographer: Rachel Jordan
Bride’s Rings: Rocky’s Gold, Silver & Antiques
Groom’s Ring: Gift from a friend
Hair & Makeup: Bride and bridesmaids
Makeup supplies: Ulta
1 Comment
This was something I was looking for, really helpful, and great work done. Keep on sharing great content like this.